Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize The Container Structure Tests provide a powerful framework to validate the structure of a container image..


commandTests A list of command tests

# name command exitCode Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.command}} {{row.exitCode}}    
fileExistenceTests File existence tests check to make sure a specific file (or directory) exist within the file system of the image. No contents of the files or directories are checked. These tests can also be used to ensure a file or directory is not present in the file system.

# name path shouldExist permissions uid gid isExecutableBy Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.path}} {{row.shouldExistSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.permissions}} {{row.uid}} {{row.gid}} {{row.isExecutableBy}}    
fileContentTests File content tests open a file on the file system and check its contents. These tests assume the specified file is a file, and that it exists

# name path Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.path}}    
licenseTests License tests check a list of copyright files and makes sure all licenses are allowed at Google. By default it will look at where Debian lists all copyright files, but can also look at an arbitrary list of files.

# debian Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.debianSelected.DisplayText}}    

metadataTest.env A list of environment variable key/value pairs that should be set in the container.

# key value Actions
metadataTest.labels A list of image labels key/value pairs that should be set on the container.

# key value isRegex Actions
metadataTest.entrypoint The entrypoint of the container

# Values Actions
metadataTest.cmd The CMD specified in the container

# Values Actions
metadataTest.exposedPorts The ports exposed in the container.

# Values Actions
metadataTest.unexposedPorts The ports NOT exposed in the container.

# Values Actions
metadataTest.volumes The volumes exposed in the container.

# Values Actions
metadataTest.unmountedVolumes The volumes NOT exposed in the container

# Values Actions
globalEnvVars A list of environment variables can optionally be specified as part of the test setup.

# key value Actions

setup A list of commands (each with optional flags) to run before the actual command under test.

# Values Actions
teardown A list of commands (each with optional flags) to run after the actual command under test.

# Values Actions
envVars envVars

# key value Actions
args The arguments to pass to the command.

# Values Actions
expectedOutput List of regexes that should match the stdout from running the command.

# Values Actions
excludedOutput List of regexes that should not match the stdout from running the command..

# Values Actions
expectedError List of regexes that should match the stderr from running the command.

# Values Actions
excludedError List of regexes that should not match the stderr from running the command.

# Values Actions


expectedContents List of regexes that should match the contents of the file

# Values Actions
excludedContents List of regexes that should not match the contents of the file

# Values Actions

files A list of other files to check.

# Values Actions


