Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize JSON Schema for GraphQL Mesh config file.


.serve - ServeConfig

.serve.cors - CorsConfig

serve.cors.allowedHeaders allowedHeaders

# Values Actions
serve.cors.exposedHeaders exposedHeaders

# Values Actions
serve.handlers Express/Connect compatible handlers and middlewares extend GraphQL Mesh HTTP Server (Any of: WebhookHandler, ExpressHandler)

# Actions
.serve.upload - UploadOptions

.serve.sslCredentials - HTTPSConfig

.sdk - SDKConfig

.sdk.generateOperations - GenerateOperationsConfig

require require

# Values Actions
sources Defines the list of your external data sources for your API mesh

# name handler.graphql.endpoint handler.graphql.useGETForQueries handler.graphql.method handler.graphql.webSocketImpl handler.graphql.introspection handler.graphql.multipart handler.graphql.batch handler.graphql.subscriptionsProtocol handler.grpc.endpoint Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.handler.graphql.endpoint}} {{row.handler.graphql.useGETForQueriesSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.handler.graphql.method}} {{row.handler.graphql.webSocketImpl}} {{row.handler.graphql.introspection}} {{row.handler.graphql.multipartSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.handler.graphql.batchSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.handler.graphql.subscriptionsProtocol}} {{row.handler.grpc.endpoint}}    
transforms Transform to apply to the unified mesh schema

# encapsulate.applyTo.query encapsulate.applyTo.mutation encapsulate.applyTo.subscription mock.if mock.preserveResolvers namingConvention.typeNames namingConvention.fieldNames namingConvention.enumValues prefix.mode Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.encapsulate.applyTo.querySelected.DisplayText}} {{row.encapsulate.applyTo.mutationSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.encapsulate.applyTo.subscriptionSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.mock.ifSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.mock.preserveResolversSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.namingConvention.typeNames}} {{row.namingConvention.fieldNames}} {{row.namingConvention.enumValues}} {{row.prefix.mode}}    
additionalResolvers Additional resolvers, or resolvers overrides you wish to add to the schema mesh (Any of: String, AdditionalStitchingResolverObject, AdditionalStitchingBatchResolverObject, AdditionalSubscriptionObject)

# Actions
.cache - Cache

.cache.file - FileCacheConfig

.cache.inmemoryLRU - InMemoryLRUConfig

.cache.localforage - LocalforageConfig

cache.localforage.driver Allowed values: WEBSQL, INDEXEDDB, LOCALSTORAGE

# Values Actions
.cache.redis - RedisConfig

liveQueryInvalidations Live Query Invalidations

# field Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.field}}    
documents Provide a query or queries for GraphQL Playground, validation and SDK Generation The value can be the file path, glob expression for the file paths or the SDL. (.js, .jsx, .graphql, .gql, .ts and .tsx files are supported. But TypeScript support is only available if `ts-node` is installed and `ts-node/register` is added under `require` parameter)

# Values Actions

.handler - Handler

.handler.graphql - GraphQLHandler


.handler.grpc - GrpcHandler

.handler.grpc.credentialsSsl - GrpcCredentialsSsl


.handler.JsonSchema - JsonSchemaHandler



handler.JsonSchema.operations Any of: JsonSchemaHTTPOperation, JsonSchemaPubSubOperation

# Actions
.handler.mongoose - MongooseHandler

handler.mongoose.models models

# name path options.description options.inputType.description Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.path}} {{}} {{row.options.description}} {{}} {{row.options.inputType.description}}    
handler.mongoose.discriminators discriminators

# name path options.description options.inputType.description Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.path}} {{}} {{row.options.description}} {{}} {{row.options.inputType.description}}    
.handler.mysql - MySQLHandler

handler.mysql.tables Use specific tables for your schema

# Values Actions
handler.mysql.tableFields Use specific fields of specific tables

# table Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.table}}    
.handler.neo4j - Neo4jHandler

.handler.odata - ODataHandler



.handler.openapi - OpenapiHandler




handler.openapi.selectQueryOrMutationField Allows to explicitly override the default operation (Query or Mutation) for any OAS operation

# title path type method Actions
.handler.postgraphile - PostGraphileHandler

handler.postgraphile.schemaName An array of strings which specifies the PostgreSQL schemas that PostGraphile will use to create a GraphQL schema. The default schema is the public schema.

# Values Actions
handler.postgraphile.appendPlugins Extra Postgraphile Plugins to append

# Values Actions
handler.postgraphile.skipPlugins Postgraphile Plugins to skip (e.g. "graphile-build#NodePlugin")

# Values Actions
.handler.soap - SoapHandler

.handler.soap.basicAuth - SoapSecurityBasicAuthConfig

.handler.soap.securityCert - SoapSecurityCertificateConfig


.handler.thrift - ThriftHandler



.handler.tuql - TuqlHandler

transforms List of transforms to apply to the current API source, before unifying it with the rest of the sources

# encapsulate.applyTo.query encapsulate.applyTo.mutation encapsulate.applyTo.subscription mock.if mock.preserveResolvers namingConvention.typeNames namingConvention.fieldNames namingConvention.enumValues prefix.mode Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.encapsulate.applyTo.querySelected.DisplayText}} {{row.encapsulate.applyTo.mutationSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.encapsulate.applyTo.subscriptionSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.mock.ifSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.mock.preserveResolversSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.namingConvention.typeNames}} {{row.namingConvention.fieldNames}} {{row.namingConvention.enumValues}} {{row.prefix.mode}}    

.options - ComposeWithMongooseOpts

.options.fields - ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts

options.fields.only only

# Values Actions
options.fields.remove remove

# Values Actions
options.fields.required required

# Values Actions
.options.inputType - ComposeMongooseInputType

.options.inputType.fields - ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts

options.inputType.fields.only only

# Values Actions
options.inputType.fields.remove remove

# Values Actions
options.inputType.fields.required required

# Values Actions
.options.inputType.resolvers - TypeConverterResolversOpts

.options.resolvers - TypeConverterResolversOpts


.options - ComposeWithMongooseOpts

.options.fields - ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts

options.fields.only only

# Values Actions
options.fields.remove remove

# Values Actions
options.fields.required required

# Values Actions
.options.inputType - ComposeMongooseInputType

.options.inputType.fields - ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts

options.inputType.fields.only only

# Values Actions
options.inputType.fields.remove remove

# Values Actions
options.inputType.fields.required required

# Values Actions
.options.inputType.resolvers - TypeConverterResolversOpts

.options.resolvers - TypeConverterResolversOpts


fields fields

# Values Actions


cache Transformer to apply caching for your data sources

# field cacheKey invalidate.ttl Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.field}} {{row.cacheKey}} {{row.invalidate.ttl}}    
.encapsulate - EncapsulateTransformObject

.encapsulate.applyTo - EncapsulateTransformApplyTo

.extend - ExtendTransform

.federation - FederationTransform

federation.types types

# name config.extend Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.config.extendSelected.DisplayText}}    
.mock - MockingConfig

mock.mocks Mock configurations

# apply if faker custom length store.type store.key store.fieldName Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.apply}} {{row.ifSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.faker}} {{row.custom}} {{row.length}} {{}} {{}} {{}}    
.namingConvention - NamingConventionTransformConfig

.prefix - PrefixTransformConfig

prefix.ignore List of ignored types

# Values Actions
.replaceField - ReplaceFieldTransformConfig

replaceField.replacements Array of rules to replace fields

# from.type from.field to.type to.field scope name Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.from.type}} {{row.from.field}} {{}} {{}} {{row.scope}} {{}}    
.snapshot - SnapshotTransformConfig

snapshot.apply Resolver to be applied For example; apply: - Query.* <- * will apply this extension to all fields of Query type - Mutation.someMutationButProbablyYouWontNeedIt

# Values Actions
.typeMerging - TypeMergingConfig

typeMerging.types types

# typeName key.selectionSet canonical Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.typeName}} {{row.key.selectionSet}} {{row.canonicalSelected.DisplayText}}    
typeMerging.queryFields Denotes a root field used to query a merged type across services. The marked field's name is analogous to the fieldName setting in [merged type configuration](, while the field's arguments and return type are used to infer merge configuration. Directive arguments tune the merge behavior

# queryFieldName keyField keyArg additionalArgs argsExpr Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.queryFieldName}} {{row.keyField}} {{row.keyArg}} {{row.additionalArgs}} {{row.argsExpr}}    

.invalidate - CacheInvalidateConfig

invalidate.effectingOperations Invalidate the cache when a specific operation is done without an error

# operation matchKey Actions


.config - FederationObjectConfig

config.keyFields keyFields

# Values Actions
config.fields fields

# name config.external config.provides config.requires Actions

.config - FederationFieldConfig


.store - GetFromMockStoreConfig

updateStore Update the data on the mock store

# type key fieldName value Actions


.key - KeyAnnotation

fields fields

# Values Actions

key Advanced use only; Allows building a custom key just for the argument from the selectionSet included by the `@key` directive.

# Values Actions

invalidate invalidate

# Values Actions
