Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize Configuration file for Stryker Mutator, the mutation testing framework for JavaScript and friends. See


checkers Enable checker plugins here. A checker plugin will be invoked for each mutant before it is run in a test runner. It can check to see of a given mutant is valid, by for example validate that it won't result in a type error

# Values Actions
.commandRunner - CommandRunnerOptions

.clearTextReporter - ClearTextReporterOptions

.dashboard - DashboardOptions

.eventReporter - EventRecorderOptions

files With `files` you can choose which files should be included in your test runner sandbox. This is normally not needed as it defaults to all files not ignored by git. Try it out yourself with this command: `git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --cached --exclude .stryker-tmp`. If you do need to override `files` (for example: when your project does not live in a git repository), you can override the files here. When using the command line, the list can only contain a comma separated list of globbing expressions. When using the config file you can provide an array with `string`s

# Values Actions
mutate With mutate you configure the subset of files to use for mutation testing. Generally speaking, these should be your own source files.

# Values Actions

mutator.excludedMutations excludedMutations

# Values Actions
plugins With 'plugins', you can add additional Node modules for Stryker to load (or require). By default, all node_modules starting with @stryker-mutator/* will be loaded, so you would normally not need to specify this option. These modules should be installed right next to stryker. For a current list of plugins, you can consult 'npm' or ''

# Values Actions
appendPlugins A list of additional plugins you want Stryker to load (`require`) without overwriting the (default) `plugins`.

# Values Actions
reporters With reporters, you can set the reporters for stryker to use.

# Values Actions
.htmlReporter - HtmlReporterOptions

.thresholds - MutationScoreThresholds
