Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize Yaml schema for Plagiarize MEe.




move.directories Directories to move from the target repo to the target repo. Useful for refactoring project structures

# to Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}}    
move.files Files to move from the target repo to the target repo. Useful for refactoring

# to Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}}    
run Shell commands to run after plagiarize files are done being copied and updated

# command parallel Actions



replace.files Relative path to target files that will be completely overwritten by source files in the same path

# Values Actions

create.files Files to copy from plagiarized project if they do not exist in the target project

# Values Actions
create.andClean Files to remove commented sections from. Eg code between `// plagiarize:start:always:delete` and `// plagiarize:end:always:delete`

# Values Actions
merge merge

# Actions
templates Files that are used the have similarities between instances of that that. .env files for example are similar and could be templated

# name Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}}    
push push

# git.commit.create git.commit.message git.branch git.push Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.git.commit.createSelected.DisplayText}} {{row.git.commit.message}} {{row.git.branch}} {{row.git.pushSelected.DisplayText}}    

names names

# Values Actions

names names

# Values Actions






merge merge

# Actions

create.files files

# Values Actions
configs configs

# Actions





instances instances

# Actions

git.repos repos

# local remote.url remote.checkout remote.defaultName Actions

git.remotes A list of removes to push to (if `push: true`)

# Values Actions
_push post-push

# Actions


