Your Apps in Action

Use this form to visualize Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) version 1.


runs The set of runs contained in this log file.

# tool.fullName tool.version tool.semanticVersion tool.fileVersion tool.sarifLoggerVersion tool.language invocation.commandLine invocation.startTime invocation.endTime Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.tool.fullName}} {{row.tool.version}} {{row.tool.semanticVersion}} {{row.tool.fileVersion}} {{row.tool.sarifLoggerVersion}} {{row.tool.language}} {{row.invocation.commandLine}} {{row.invocation.startTime}} {{row.invocation.endTime}}    

_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


_runs A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


results The set of results contained in an SARIF log. The results array can be omitted when a run is solely exporting rules metadata. It must be present (but may be empty) in the event that a log file represents an actual scan.

# ruleId ruleKey level message formattedRuleMessage.formatId snippet id toolFingerprintContribution baselineState Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.ruleId}} {{row.ruleKey}} {{row.level}} {{row.message}} {{row.formattedRuleMessage.formatId}} {{row.snippet}} {{}} {{row.toolFingerprintContribution}} {{row.baselineState}}    
toolNotifications A list of runtime conditions detected by the tool in the course of the analysis.

# id ruleId ruleKey physicalLocation.uri physicalLocation.uriBaseId physicalLocation.region.startLine physicalLocation.region.startColumn physicalLocation.region.endLine physicalLocation.region.endColumn physicalLocation.region.offset Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.ruleId}} {{row.ruleKey}} {{row.physicalLocation.uri}} {{row.physicalLocation.uriBaseId}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.startLine}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.startColumn}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.endLine}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.endColumn}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.offset}}    
configurationNotifications A list of conditions detected by the tool that are relevant to the tool's configuration.

# id ruleId ruleKey physicalLocation.uri physicalLocation.uriBaseId physicalLocation.region.startLine physicalLocation.region.startColumn physicalLocation.region.endLine physicalLocation.region.endColumn physicalLocation.region.offset Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.ruleId}} {{row.ruleKey}} {{row.physicalLocation.uri}} {{row.physicalLocation.uriBaseId}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.startLine}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.startColumn}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.endLine}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.endColumn}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.offset}}    



formattedRuleMessage.arguments An array of strings that will be used, in combination with a message format, to construct a result message.

# Values Actions
locations One or more locations where the result occurred. Specify only one location unless the problem indicated by the result can only be corrected by making a change at every specified location.

# analysisTarget.uri analysisTarget.uriBaseId analysisTarget.region.startLine analysisTarget.region.startColumn analysisTarget.region.endLine analysisTarget.region.endColumn analysisTarget.region.offset analysisTarget.region.length resultFile.uri resultFile.uriBaseId Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.analysisTarget.uri}} {{row.analysisTarget.uriBaseId}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.startLine}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.startColumn}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.endLine}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.endColumn}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.offset}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.length}} {{row.resultFile.uri}} {{row.resultFile.uriBaseId}}    
stacks An array of 'stack' objects relevant to the result.

# message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}}    
codeFlows An array of 'codeFlow' objects relevant to the result.

# message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}}    
relatedLocations A grouped set of locations and messages, if available, that represent code areas that are related to this result.

# id step physicalLocation.uri physicalLocation.uriBaseId physicalLocation.region.startLine physicalLocation.region.startColumn physicalLocation.region.endLine physicalLocation.region.endColumn physicalLocation.region.offset physicalLocation.region.length Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{}} {{row.step}} {{row.physicalLocation.uri}} {{row.physicalLocation.uriBaseId}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.startLine}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.startColumn}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.endLine}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.endColumn}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.offset}} {{row.physicalLocation.region.length}}    
suppressionStates suppressionStates

# Actions
fixes An array of 'fix' objects, each of which represents a proposed fix to the problem indicated by the result.

# description Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.description}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions






properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

frames An array of stack frames that represent a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# message uri uriBaseId line column module threadId fullyQualifiedLogicalName logicalLocationKey address Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}} {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.line}} {{row.column}} {{row.module}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.fullyQualifiedLogicalName}} {{row.logicalLocationKey}} {{row.address}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

parameters The parameters of the call that is executing.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

locations An array of 'annotatedCodeLocation' objects, each of which describes a single location visited by the tool in the course of producing the result.

# analysisTarget.uri analysisTarget.uriBaseId analysisTarget.region.startLine analysisTarget.region.startColumn analysisTarget.region.endLine analysisTarget.region.endColumn analysisTarget.region.offset analysisTarget.region.length resultFile.uri resultFile.uriBaseId Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.analysisTarget.uri}} {{row.analysisTarget.uriBaseId}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.startLine}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.startColumn}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.endLine}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.endColumn}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.offset}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.length}} {{row.resultFile.uri}} {{row.resultFile.uriBaseId}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions



values An ordered set of strings that comprise input or return values for the current operation. For an annotation of kind 'call', for example, this property may hold the ordered list of arguments passed to the callee.

# Values Actions

annotations A set of messages relevant to the current annotated code location.

# message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

locations An array of 'physicalLocation' objects associated with the annotation.

# analysisTarget.uri analysisTarget.uriBaseId analysisTarget.region.startLine analysisTarget.region.startColumn analysisTarget.region.endLine analysisTarget.region.endColumn analysisTarget.region.offset analysisTarget.region.length resultFile.uri resultFile.uriBaseId Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.analysisTarget.uri}} {{row.analysisTarget.uriBaseId}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.startLine}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.startColumn}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.endLine}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.endColumn}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.offset}} {{row.analysisTarget.region.length}} {{row.resultFile.uri}} {{row.resultFile.uriBaseId}}    

fileChanges One or more file changes that comprise a fix for a result.

# uri uriBaseId Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}}    

replacements An array of replacement objects, each of which represents the replacement of a single range of bytes in a single file specified by 'uri'.

# offset deletedLength insertedBytes Actions






exception.stack.frames An array of stack frames that represent a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# message uri uriBaseId line column module threadId fullyQualifiedLogicalName logicalLocationKey address Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}} {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.line}} {{row.column}} {{row.module}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.fullyQualifiedLogicalName}} {{row.logicalLocationKey}} {{row.address}}
_toolNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions

parameters The parameters of the call that is executing.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


stack.frames An array of stack frames that represent a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# message uri uriBaseId line column module threadId fullyQualifiedLogicalName logicalLocationKey address Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}} {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.line}} {{row.column}} {{row.module}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.fullyQualifiedLogicalName}} {{row.logicalLocationKey}} {{row.address}}
_exception_innerExceptions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message}}    

parameters The parameters of the call that is executing.

# Values Actions

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions


stack.frames An array of stack frames that represent a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# message uri uriBaseId line column module threadId fullyQualifiedLogicalName logicalLocationKey address Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}} {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.line}} {{row.column}} {{row.module}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.fullyQualifiedLogicalName}} {{row.logicalLocationKey}} {{row.address}}
_innerExceptions A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message}}    





exception.stack.frames An array of stack frames that represent a sequence of calls, rendered in reverse chronological order, that comprise the call stack.

# message uri uriBaseId line column module threadId fullyQualifiedLogicalName logicalLocationKey address Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.message}} {{row.uri}} {{row.uriBaseId}} {{row.line}} {{row.column}} {{row.module}} {{row.threadId}} {{row.fullyQualifiedLogicalName}} {{row.logicalLocationKey}} {{row.address}}
_configurationNotifications A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
exception.innerExceptions An array of exception objects each of which is considered a cause of this exception.

# kind message stack.message Actions
{{$index+1}}. {{row.kind}} {{row.message}} {{row.stack.message}}    

properties.tags A set of distinct strings that provide additional information.

# Values Actions
